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The Latest Dirt - Nov 2023

Speakers Bureau Wraps Up Phenomenal 2023

By Gail Burt

A time to reflect and give thanks…

As we wrap up another season, I want to thank all the UC Master Gardener volunteers who generously contributed their time and knowledge to help the Speakers Bureau deliver on our mission to distribute home horticulture and pest management information.

Our in-person and webinar-based garden talks have reached nearly 5,000 attendees in 2023. This number does not represent discrete individuals because we have developed a following of repeat customers.

We have garden groupies! They come to the Wednesday talks at Our Garden week after week. They attend our monthly Tuesday night webinars in partnership with the Contra Costa County Library. Although our focus is our local county, we have attendees from across the country participate in our webinars.

Why? Because our speakers and supporting cast are amazingly dedicated and incredibly knowledgeable! They share information that is relevant and practical. I sincerely hope you feel the same sense of pride that I do.

Once again, thank you to all who continue to make the Speakers Bureau shine.